I finally finished the "Black and White Year" photo project. It was started on March 16, 2011. Throughout the year, I took a photo every day. I ended up with 366 black and white photos on March 15, 2012.
Shooting 366 days in a row proved to be challenging. Sometimes because of health, sometimes because of mood, sometimes because of busyness, often because of laziness. Unfortunately, there were often situations when I couldn't shoot anything interesting during the day and, as a consequence, published outright hackwork - photos of the first thing that came to hand, made in a hurry.
Nevertheless, over the course of a year, several photos were taken that I am proud of.
The project was created exclusively for myself. And the goals set also for personal interest were achieved.
Now I can just open the album of this project and remember how each day of the black-and-white year passed, in what conditions this or that shot was made.
Here are some of the photos.
All photos of the photo project can be viewed here: https://vk.com/album-24889086_169139226.
Day 106
Day 41
Day 54
Day 70
Day 113
Day 129
Day 140
Day 155
Day 164
Day 180
Day 235
Day 241
Day 293

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